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Guide to Tyre Sliders and the When on Wrong Tyre slider

Tyre Sliders

Firstly, you need to understand the basic maths that is performed by the game to work out which tyre you should be using for any given weather condition.

The game will examine the current weather (as a % from 0-100) and will also examine your tyre sliders. The game will work out which tyre slider is closest to the current weather value and conclude this tyre is the 'optimal' tyre.

For example:
If dry tyre = 0 and wet tyre = 41 and current weather = 17
Then 17-0 = 17 and 41-17 = 24
Hence the current weather is closest to the dry tyre setting and it is considered optimal.

If dry tyre = 0 and wet tyre = 41 and current weather = 23
Then 23-0 = 23 and 41-23 = 18
Hence the current weather is closest to the wet tyre setting and it is considered optimal.

It is for this reason, that it is actually the midpoints between each tyre setting that determines when each tyre will be used. Because it is at these midpoints that one tyre will become more optimal then another.

For example if you have the following slider settings:
dry = 0
inter = 30
wet = 70
monsoon = 100

Then this actually give the following settings:
dry: 0-15
inters: 15-50
wets: 50-85
monsoons: 85-100

So the best strategy in order to find some good settings, is to decide on your desired midpoints, and then set your sliders to mirror those midpoints.

WWT Slider

Once you have set these, it is time to examine the WWT slider. In order to understand this, you first need to picture this scenario.

Imagine you have the following midpoints:
dry: 0-15
inters: 15-50
wets: 50-85
monsoons: 85-100

Now lets say that the current weather is 0% but that it is starting to rain starting to increase. Eventually, as the %wet starts to approach 15, the intermediate tyre will begin to become a better tyre. As the %wet crosses the 15% barrier, the inters suddenly become, optimal and the game will then consider when to pit to change to these tyres.

The WWT slider is still largely a 'touchy feely' parameter. In that all we know is that if WWT = 0 we know we will pit as soon as that 15% barrier is crossed. And if WWT = 100, you will never pit to change tyres, and will therefore only change compound during a scheduled stop. Between those extremes, it is fairly intuitive as to the effect of WWT. Basically when WWT is not 0, it forces a tyre to be better then another, by some margin, where the size of that margin is proportional to the slider value.

The reason WWT is an essential parameter is that even though a driver may not currently have the best tyres, the time lost by pitting earlier then scheduled may be more then the time gained in having a better tyre.

Some people like to always be on the right tyre, and hence have WWT set very low. Be careful setting it 0 though. Imagine what might happen if the weather hovered about 15% all race and WWT = 0!

Note: For information on wet weather setups, see the guide How to Change Setup for Different Weather

Document created by Hayden Albrey. Last updated 7 Jun 2006.

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